Prospect Mill Homeowners Association
Prospect Mill Community-Wide Standards (Scroll down to see all of the standards.)
These standards are subject to change/modification (modified January 2006) as the need dictates. By themselves or taken together, there isn’t one standard on this list that isn’t achievable.
Community-wide standard means the minimum standard of curb-appeal excellence necessary to maintain and increase property values of all Lots.
These minimums, including by way of illustration and not limitation, include:
Routinely mow all lawns on each Lot.
Routine weed control on each Lot to include all lawns, landscaping, flower beds, trees, etc. Weed control will include, but not limited to, manual removal of weeds and/or use of chemicals to eradicate the weeds. Until eradicated, the height of no weed shall be allowed to be taller than the surrounding grass.
Pine straw or mulch shall be refreshed as needed, but not less than twice per year. Other wood bark mulch shall be refreshed as needed.
Plastic weed blocker material should be INVISIBLE at all times. If it’s peeking thru, more mulch/pine straw is required.
Mowed grass clumps will be raked up and not allowed to remain between mowing's.
All grass, landscaping, trees, shrubs, etc. shall be routinely watered to prevent dry spots.
Dead trees, shrubs, lawn areas, etc. shall be removed immediately to prevent infestation of surrounding Lots and/or wooded areas.
Routine edging of all grass bordering along sidewalks, curbs, driveways, flower beds, etc.
Routine blowing or sweeping of all grass clippings and debris from all sidewalks, curbs, driveways, porches, patios, etc.
At no time will grass clippings, leaves, etc. be blown into the streets, gutters or anywhere on the lot and left to accumulate. At all times, Owners are responsible for removing all debris that accumulates in the curb areas along their property lines. (This includes grass growing through the cracks in the blacktop and sidewalk).
Trash cans and bags of trash shall be stored out of view from the streets or neighboring Lots and may be left on the street after 3:00 pm the day before trash pick-up and removed the same day the trash is picked up.
Mailbox maintenance. Mailbox post and box need painting or general clean up.
Shutter(s) missing from around window.
No window fans or air conditioners will be allowed to protrude to the outside of the window.
Trim and reshape shrubs throughout Lot.
If you lease the property you are living in, you are expected to comply with the Covenants of our community.
Effective November 2004 – Each property will be held to the same standard.